
Functional High Intensity Training at its finest. Ethos FHITness program is a total conditioning program using bodyweight movements, kettlebells, Assault Bikes, rowers, and more. Each class is held in a small group format to motivate and inspire you to achieve your fitness potential. You only have one body. Train like it!

FHIT - Functional High Intensity Training

Our FHITness program combines intense, high-energy movements with short periods of lower-energy activity, all designed to maximize fat loss, while building lean muscle tissue. The movements performed in the gym are designed to maximize the physical requirements that we face outside of the gym. This overlap is essential to the human condition and ultimately the reason our clients consider their fitness a part of every day life. Our innovative and time tested technique works to "shock" the body in the most efficient and effective ways possible to improve your cardiovascular system, lose weight and build muscle. Our world-class instructors are the best in the business and promote a positive, supportive environment that will help you break past your own personal boundaries. Regardless of skill level, you can burn 1,000 calories in just one hour. You will see and feel results right away in a thumping music-filled environment where every class feels new, fun and exciting. We utilizes rowers, free weights, kettlebells, suspension trainers, plyo boxes, medicine balls, pull up bars and much much more to maximize both calories burned, and lean muscle gained. This unique program hinges on the accountability and motivation pouring out of each and every person that calls ETHOS home.

What is Functional Based High Intensity Training?

Extensive science and research validate that total body workouts, with a foundation of Functional-based High Intensity Training (FHIT) that include both resistance, external load and cardio are the most effective way of training for those individuals looking to lose unhealthy fat, while building lean muscle tissue. FHIT involves performing an all-out, exhaustive physical effort for a short time, generally followed by short, sometimes active, recovery cycles. FHIT works because burning fat requires oxygen, and the more oxygen that gets inside your body, the more fat your body is able to burn. A high-intensity workout increases your body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more oxygen during recovery. This after-burn effect is referred to as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts thus translating into a metabolism boost for up to 12 hours after a completed FHIT routine. The true underlying beauty of this program is that anyone can do it starting day 1. There is no need for a lengthy, and many times costly, program to go over highly technical movements or be asked to deal with movements that feel uncomfortable and in some cases unsafe. You will be able to jump in and start your journey to a better you from the word "GO"! This is, by no means, a soft or "easy" workout. It will challenge you to push harder than you ever thought possible and take your comfort zone to places you never dreamed.

When high intensity training is mixed with functional movements the results can be life changing. You will see an increase in your resting metabolic rate, optimal lean muscle growth and best of all muscle retention. Each workout is programmed to place you in a zone that will maximize your fat loss opportunity and increase caloric burn during and after the workout. FHIT will tax both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Our workouts will increase your endurance, work capacity and make you stronger at the same time. Studies indicate as little as 27 minutes of FHIT three times per week produces the same anaerobic and aerobic improvement as 60 minutes of steady state cardio five times per week, so you can have more time to get out there and actually use that amazing fitness you have worked so hard for. Our clients will burn more calories, and experience lasting lean muscle growth with the professional guidance of our incredible team, inspiring family and world class facility. We empower the you of tomorrow, to THRIVE today!